
E-Cycling Disposal Options


Rules for Disposing of Electronic Devices Effective January 2013, electronic devices, such as laptops, computers, monitors and televisions can no longer be disposed of in your regular trash. Under the state Covered Device Recycling Act of 2010 (Act 108 of 2010), waste haulers will not be able to accept these items unless the township has a curbside electronics collection program that ultimately sends the devices to an electronics recycler.

Although East Allen does not have curbside collections, our residents are encouraged to dispose of their electronics at local facilities. Please visit the following locations to recycle your electronics.

DRC Technologies

2005 Main Street
Northampton, PA 18067
Please follow the link for a list of accepted items and fees for drop off items. Flyers are also available at the Township Office. Should you have additional questions, please contact DRC Technologies directly.